
It’s Election Day; Your Vote Counts, So Cast It
It’s Election Day; Your Vote Counts, So Cast It
It’s Election Day; Your Vote Counts, So Cast It
It's been a long road for the candidates and that road ends this evening. They've been out there pounding the pavement, shaking hands, debating, hanging up their political signs all in an effort to swing the votes in their favor. Although in my case, I've never once shook the hands of a candidate, I did watch them debate, nor did I put a political sign in my yard, but that didn't stop me from voti
Can an NFL Game-Winner Predict Who Wins the Election?
Can an NFL Game-Winner Predict Who Wins the Election?
Can an NFL Game-Winner Predict Who Wins the Election?
Can the outcome of a Washington Redskins NFL game predict who'll win the White House tomorrow night? Apparently so, because the so called Redskins Rule. The rule states that if the Redskins win their home game right before election day the party that's in the house will retain its residency.
Is President Obama Losing Support Of Black America? [VIDEO/POLL]
Is President Obama Losing Support Of Black America? [VIDEO/POLL]
Is President Obama Losing Support Of Black America? [VIDEO/POLL]
With November right around the corner and everyone gearing up for this election, new polls are indicating that many citizens, and primarily Black America, have changed on their political support and views of President Barrack Obama. Or have they? Dr. Boyce Watkins has said the enthusiasm for President Obama from Black America is dead. But why?