Ex-Dallas Cop Amber Guyger was found guilty in the murder of her neighbor Botham Jean, after jurors deliberated for less than 24 hours.

According to CNN, Guyger who is a white woman shot and killed Jean in his apartment on September 6th, 2018 after mistaking it for hers sparking outrage from the community and gaining national attention.

Once the verdict was read Jean's mother raised her hands while others were cheering while the bailiff restored order.

Meanwhile, the mother of Amber Guyger was crying in the courtroom knowing her daughter was about to spend time behind bars.

While I am thankful that justice was served on behalf of Botham Jean it is still bittersweet as I think of other African American men and women who lost their lives due to police using excessive force.

I can only hope and pray that this will not be the last time justice was served and individuals who took an oath to serve and protect will be held accountable for their actions.

God bless the lives of Bothan Jean, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, Treyvon Martin and other countless men and women who lost their lives.

I guess Black Lives Matter after all.



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