When you think of domestic violence, the first thing that comes to mind are women who have been abused by their partner.  However, did you know that men are also victims of domestic abuse?  You probably don't hear about it much because men are less likely to report abuse from women, their parent, or their same sex partner.

  • More than 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the U.S. have experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner violence in their lifetime.
  • Approximately 1 in 4 men in the U.S. (25.7%) have been slapped, pushed or shoved by an intimate partner in his lifetime, and 4.5% or approximately 5 million men, reported experiencing these behaviors in the 12 months prior to taking the survey.
  • The majority of men (73.1%) who have experienced intimate partner violence said it was by one partner, while 18.6% were victimized by two partners and 8.3% were victimized by three or more partners.

These numbers are alarming because many men are less likely to report abuse out of fear of questioning their manhood.  However, relief is here to give some comfort to those experiencing domestic violence in Dallas, TX.

According to Texas Hill Country, Dallas is now home to Texas' first shelter for battered men.

The Family Place is known for providing shelter for 32 men and nonresidential services to 50 men.  They noticed a need for outreach and increased it for men who have left a troubled relationship where there was abuse.

They have helped men and their children and have given them food, counseling and even hotel or a designated area and today they are proud to have 21 beds and private rooms.

Abuse is a serious matter for men and women and no one should tolerate being involved in a relationship where they don't feel valued, loved, or protected.  If you know someone or if you are in an abusive relationship male or female call 800-252-5400 or contact the Family Place on their 24-Hour Crisis Line 214-941-1991.

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